If you are interested in OPAR data, you should first contact the related Principal Investigator(s) and co-Investigator(s) of the associated instrument.
In case of use of OPAR data for publication and/or communication, please use and adapt the following appropriate credit: The authors acknowledge the European Communities, the Région Réunion, CNRS, and Université de la Réunion for their support and contribution in the construction phase of the research infrastructure OPAR (Observatoire de Physique de l’Atmosphère à La Réunion). OPAR is presently funded by CNRS (INSU) and Université de La Réunion, and managed by OSU-R (Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers à La Réunion, UMS 3365). OPAR is supported by the french research infrastructure ACTRIS-FR (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure - France). We acknowledge Name Firstname (PI and/or engineer/technician) in charge of the instrumentation for providing free-access data, and/or for maintenance of the instrumentation.